building robust sea-to-shore talent pipelines
How, and when, companies bring capability from sea to shore matters. A systematic, consistent approach is essential. We have personal experience of moving from sea-to-shore, running assessment centres & talent pipelines and building executive development programs.
Therefore, using six key criteria, we are well-placed to help you build robust, enduring sea-to-shore pipelines:
The ability to identify future talent across sea-going populations.
Clear processes and support as individuals transition from sea to shore.
The knowledge & understanding that those at sea have of opportunities ashore and the processes that support sea to shore transitions.
The support (coaching, mentoring, stretch opportunities) that individuals have once they are working in shoreside roles.
Configuration of sea-to-shore pipelines to support low number or singleton populations.
The active involvement of senior leaders - ashore and at sea - in promoting and personally supporting sea-to-shore transitions.
Additional criteria we agree with the client focused on areas of particular interest.
Our initial report assesses each criterion against a four-level maturity scale, providing a snapshot of current capability with supporting detail & recommendations:
Please contact Mark for more information: mark.fortnum@stonefortmarine-talent.com