executive search

A search process that shares the risk and ensures success

  • We work closely with our clients to understand the shape, breadth and depth of candidate required to fill a role. Discreet, effective questions. Discussions with teams, line managers and peer leaders as required. The result? Role profiles & candidate criteria we believe are absolutely right!

  • Our market maps are focused, including only prospective candidates of quality & relevance (no padding). We know where to look. Our industry experience means we may well even have worked with some of the candidates.

  • There’s more than one way to fill a role. While every individual on our short lists is more than capable of fulfilling the role in question, we provide a choice, alongside a clear analysis of strengths and weaknesses.

  • We check in with both client & candidate regularly once a search is complete. We also offer coaching & mentoring support.

  • We’re deliberately competitive and our fee structures ensure we share the risk. We believe this shifts how it feels to work with stonefort marine talent. We care deeply about finding the perfect candidate and we’re confident in our ability to do so.

stonefort marine talent provides focused, efficient search services. With the depth and breadth of experience necessary to understand the exact requirement, we work swiftly & efficiently to provide a quality short list that gives our clients real choice.

at the heart of what we do

When we sat down to think about the real value we could bring to search, it became obvious that there is one element that sat right at the heart of our offer. Simply put: our ability to stand in the shoes of both clients & candidates.

Because of our deep in-house experience, we understand the very real challenges and concerns that businesses have when they bring in external talent. At the same time, we’re very good at getting under the skin of our candidates and making sure that this is the job for them. So, when we bring client and prospective shortlist candidates together, it’s with the knowledge that this will be an enduring two-way fit.

confident enough to share the risk

We are confident in our ability to do this and have designed our fees to share the risk: final search payments only fall due after the placed candidate has been in role beyond the six-month point.

Please contact Mark for more information: mark.fortnum@stonefortmarine-talent.com

A simple diagram that shows the simple processes stonefort marine talent uses for effective executive search in the maritime sector
